The world of certification can seem complicated, so we've answered some frequently asked questions here to help you along the way.

  • What will the quote cover with the 3 year cycle ?

    The quotation will provide the audit durations and costs for the 3-year certification cycle - from the initial certification audit which consists of two mandatory visits (the first stage and second stage assessments), through the subsequent audits, two annual surveillance audits and three annual re-certification audits, which completes the 3-year certification cycle and begins the next.

  • How long are you under contract ?

    BNA does not wish to tie you down with a binding agreement. Although we indicate a 3-year certification cycle, you can cancel your certification at any time, although we would prefer it if you didn't!

  • Why do the quotation forms ask for so much information ?

    The quotations are based not only on the size of your organisation, in terms of number of employees and sites, but also the scope of the activities carried out by your organisation and the following risk factors according to the certification standard you require, such as agriculture, health and safety of the activities carried out. Our quotation forms are designed to give us as much information as possible in order to be extremely accurate. We can complete the quotation forms with you over the phone if you don't want to fill them in and send you a copy for your records. Just call our certification team on (+225)

  • Cost of certification - when and what do I have to pay ?

    The quotation clearly sets out the costs involved at each stage. On request, you will pay for the first assessment stage. BNA will then invoice you for the second stage, which must then be paid within 30 days of the invoice, prior to the visit. The annual surveillance fee (which includes the surveillance audit) is then invoiced on an annual basis in April to cover all your assessments for that year. The BNA fee is all-inclusive, including travel costs.

  • How long will it take before I get a quote ?

    As soon as we receive your completed quote request form, BNA will provide you with a quote within 1 working day.

  • Will you help us with certification ?

    It is important that you fully understand the management system you are implementing and although BNA cannot provide advice, we can support you towards your assessment with a range of training courses to give you the skills you need to implement the standard. A full range of training courses can be found here. BNA also offers a pre-audit service to highlight gaps between your current management system and the requirements of the ISO standard. This will help you understand the work required and the timescales for implementing your chosen management system. Finally, during your assessments our auditor will work with you to identify opportunities for improvement based on their knowledge of your industry and the practices of organisations similar to yours.

  • Do you provide consultancy services ?

    As an ANAB accredited certification body we must remain impartial to your business prior to an assessment to ensure that you get the best value from your audit and to avoid any conflict of interest. However, we understand that sometimes you may need extra help to ensure that you are ready on time and ready for your assessment. NQA has therefore formed close partnerships with a range of experienced consultants to help you with this part of the process. Our register of associated consultants can be found here.

  • What are the next steps ?

    Once you have completed the quotation request form, we will draw up a formal quotation. If you are satisfied, simply sign it and return it to your Business Development Consultant. While we are working on your request, you will receive an invoice for your first stage assessment which will need to be paid before the visit takes place. We will contact you to arrange a suitable date for your first stage assessment once we have processed your application. The audit process is explained in more detail here. Following a successful audit, certification is then issued and maintained through a programme of annual surveillance audits and a reassessment audit every three years.

  • Is it easy to transfer certification ?

    Transferring accredited certification is easy. We will need a valid copy of your registration certificate, audit reports for the last 3 years and a completed request for quotation form to start the process and provide you with a quotation. We then simply carry out a review of your management system, and transfer your certification free of charge! Following a successful transfer, we issue a BNA certificate of registration with the same validity as your previous certificate, and a surveillance/recertification audit is carried out in line with your availability.