Déclaration contre la fraude et la corruption

BUREAU NORME AUDIT is a professional certification body, accredited to ISO 17065 by the DAKKS and ISO 17021-1 by the SOAC/WAAS.

We focus on ethics, impartiality and integrity, with strict respect for our clients and applicable laws. These values have proven their robustness and are always implemented to give pride of place to the satisfaction of customers and all interested parties.

We therefore have also adopted an anti-corruption policy. BNA and its director have zero tolerance for corruption in any form.

BNA complies with and follows the recommendations of ISO 17021-1:2015 (Chap.4), specifically, regarding the transparency of management system certification activities and compliance with the requirements of the various certification programs.

We are committed to the fight against corruption and fraud, so that we can always assure interested parties of the credibility of our certifications.

Under no circumstances will we tolerate corruption and fraud in our Group, whatever the stakes. BNA staff regularly participate in anti-corruption awareness and training. A disciplinary system is in place to punish employees who do not comply with this policy.

We therefore inform all Rainforest Alliance Certificate holders that they must account for all sales of Certified products and record each Certified product transaction in Rainforest Alliance systems.

We encourage all our staff and partners to comply with our anti-corruption and anti-fraud policy.

KOUASSI ASSOVIE Olga, Managing Director
fraud and corruption
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